• 4A, Behind Dainik Bhaskar, JLN Marg, Jaipur
  • 0141-2711683
  • info@shreenirmalvivek.org

Upcoming Years


Our achievements so far have made a great difference in the lives of differently able children supported by SWMH, under various programmers, but are only a drop in the ocean. The need for programmers like SWMH in the State of Rajasthan is very large. We do hope to reach out to more children in the years to come, but are aware of our limitations in terms of resources. Having said this, we aspire to reach out to all needy children and to provide them with what they deserve as a matter of their constitutional rights and our moral responsibilities. We aspire to:

  • Develop trained professionals to work with the community to build awareness and provide the differently able people access to available facilities.

  • Research, document and disseminate the best practices related to working with the differently able.

  • Develop a focused strategy for outreach and policy advocacy with the Government.

  • Develop a network of likeminded NGO's and other organizations who advocate for better opportunities for the differently able people.

  • Share the responsibilities of upbringing the child along with parents, by giving personalized attention.

SWMH efforts continue to be recognized and appreciated alike by those that we engage with and other stakeholders. While we have made remarkable Strides and overcome challenges in the past years to stand where we are today, a lot remains to be done.

This has been possible because of the dedication and will-power of our management, staff and parents of the children to serve the cause. We will continue to walk together to educate all children and empower every individual to live a dignified life.