- 4A, Behind Dainik Bhaskar, JLN Marg, Jaipur
- 0141-2711683
- info@shreenirmalvivek.org

Shree Nirmal Vivek educates and rehabilitates more than 100 mentally challenged, multiple disabled and autistic children with the help trained professionals. Admissions are not restricted by economic factors and as a result, thirty percent of the school's students, who belong the weaker sections of society, are beneficiaries of freeships.
In house professional expertise is available in the form of Psychologist, speech therapists, occupational therapists, physiotherapists and special educators. It also has a panel of highly competent doctors- physician, pediatrician, and neurosurgeon and eye specialist.
The founder of SWMH, Late Shri Shreepal Chand Mehta and Late Smt Nirmala Mehta lit the torch for the well being of these children by founding this Society in July 1988 with an object to established facilities for education, residence, training and rehabilitation of these children.
School has been divided into groups on the basis of the students' functional levels and chronological age. Each group has a classroom setting where personalized attention is offered according to their various needs. Grouping of these children is a skilled job in which each child is simultaneously programmed for and taught in a one-to-one situation and in a group. This optimum training module requires a maximum of five to eight children to one teacher..
A comprehensive curriculum has been developed for each branch. The following areas are covered broadly -

Pre-academic stimulation
Activities in this curricular area include play, music and crafts. It encourages the child to participate in things that bring out his hidden feelings and talent. It also creates a suitable and informal atmosphere for learning.

Functional Academics
This curricular area has functional reading, writing, practical math, money and time concept, as activities.

Formal Education through NIOS
The Educable and high functioning students are taught formal academics by following the National Open School Programme. We are currently offering NIOS programme for Level 3, 5, 8.

Environmental Education
Extra curricular activities are planned to create awareness of preserving the environment. Topics such as - save the earth, save water, save electricity, do not use plastic bags etc are discussed regularly.